Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Annoyed already and introductions

Been setting up this blog, which is no mean feat for someone as technically challenged as me, and am already getting mildly cheesed off that I cant choose to tell you exactly where I live in the profile section. Oh no, that would be too simple I suppose. I have to say that I'm from the UK, as thats in their selection criteria, but really what I want to say is that I'm that from Scotland. Its only a small point I know, but for gods sake, its a bloomin country! We have our own parliament and everything. !
Ach, you'll just have to get used to me, wont you.

Anyway, Like I said above somewhere, I,m just the wrong side of 50 years old, or at least thats how it feels right now, and am lucky enough to live in East Lothian, a county which is a really bonny part of Scotland, a few miles east of Edinburgh. Its rural but still close enough to town that when the mood takes me I can be sitting in an Edinburgh pub having a beer or watching a movie in less than an hour. In the space of a month I have lost my job, my forties, my sense of humour and my Dad, of all of which there will be more to come. The worst of these of course is losing my Dad, but I still kind of find it hard to talk about him at the moment. Maybe later hmm?

I dont want this to be about loss though. I want to try and use this blog thingy to help me go forward, to have a moan sure, but to have a laugh too! I hope it can help me get ma heid around stuff as I'm in a bit of a fankle at the moment. In the course of posting I will no doubt tell you about the shitty minutia thats my life at the moment, and a bit about me, my family, my likes and dislikes etc etc, and the daily trials and tribulations of not having to get up in the morning and go to work like I did almost every single day for the last thirty two years. Actually most of this feels the same as just about any other blog so I wont be offended if you want to bugger off somewhere else. Your probably busy and got better stuff to do eh?

In the meantime please forgive me but I, for my part, am going to treat you like my imaginary friend. I've never had one before. An imaginary one that is - dont be sarcastic. I'm very vulnerable just now. You never know it might be fun.
Listening to right now.........Porcupine Tree " Arriving somewhere, not here"

see you later..........


Anonymous said...

So this is how it all started. Takes me back and made me smile ruefully. Just so happy things got better when they did. Love you. x

Alistair said...

Gosh. I'd forgotten. Haven't been back to read this. Brings it all back.....

The Sunday Posts 2017/Mince and Tatties.

Mince and Tatties I dinna like hail tatties Pit on my plate o mince For when I tak my denner I eat them baith at yince. Sae mash ...