Hullo ma wee blog,
Well, its finally over. Its been going on since May 22nd and at last I feel like I can put it behind me and get on with the rest of my life. I settled for an out of court figure. Not completely satisfactory perhaps but reality bites in many ways. I was offered a sum way in excess of what the tribunal could award and my solicitor felt that he could not recommend further insurance company expense with that on the table. One of those 'I'm gonna make you an offer you cant refuse' moments. And so the deal is done and we both walk away.
In some ways not what I wanted but I can accept it as it gives us some further financial security.
Time to move on methinks.........
See you later.
Financial security counts for a lot and all things considered, guess you did the best thing (though it takes away that wonderful "I really kicked them in the g**lies" feeling from having had your day in Court.) I hope you both have a good holiday at their expense . . .
Now you can put it all behind you.
Well done Al,
You DID kick them where it hurts most !!
or they wouldn't have paid up .,.,
Enjoy your new found wealth, and have a wee smile every day to remind yourself !!
:) Scudder
Hi Al;
I read this several days ago and mentioned it to J. We've both been interested in how this case would eventually work out. No doubt you did the wise thing in accepting a good offer. I think the amount of the offer does indicate that the company was skittish about a head on court confrontation in which their actions and motives could have taken a real beating. There is that in most of us which would like vindication in such a situation. As our lawyer is currently warning us: you can be right and still not win your case!
Hopefully a position will be forthcoming where your abilites and experience will be validated.
Hullo Folks,
Thanks to all for your messages of support, encouragement and empathy through this whole sorry process. I have taken a few days to come to terms with the result and can see the pragmatic side of the settlement but have still been struggling with the lack of vindication as I had hoped for it.
But there are many disappointments in life, and if this is to be my biggest then I would have to consider myself lucky that there is a positive side to it.
We are much more fortunate than most of the guys in the team I worked with as I was the only one with financial support to take up the case. Two of my closest friends who started up small businesses are desperately trying to keep head above financial water and several others who took jobs at up to 30% less salary now regret their decisions and feel that they are potentially being lined up to be managed out of the business regardless and will not be in a redundancy situation if that happens. Some are looking for other work and will simply walk away as soon as they get the chance. Many others in other parts of the business, who I have worked with through the years and trust their judgement, say that there has been a fundamental and agressive shift in the company ethos and many of them feel threatened, pressured and at breaking point with some reporting regular working weeks of 80 hours when being paid 37. Again I feel I have much to be grateful for.......
Once again, thanks for your support. It's genuinely meant a lot even though I have never met you. In the words of Winston Churchill I will just K.B.O {Keep Buggering On}
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