River Whiteadder, Abby St. Bathans, Borders.
Hullo ma wee blog,
Jings, it's been a wee while since I have taken the time just to blog about this and that. Our trip to the frozen northland - or Aviemore as it's better known - went well. There was snow aplenty all around and the weather was gorgeous. We chilled and took in some sights and did very little else.
We did take the opportunity to go and see my Dad's older sister, Aunt May, who is 87 and lives on her own in a small village near Elgin, which is only about 40 or 50 easy minutes drive north-east from Aviemore, rather than the 4 hours non stop from home. It was lovely to see her again and to find her in such good spirits. She has always been fiercely independent and is very self contained even though she is far from family where she is. We spent an enjoyable and, for me, thought provoking couple of hours with her and her beautiful and sociable cat.
The Spey, provider of salmon and fine malt whisky.
The Cairgorms, still deeply in the grip of Winter.
We went to Inverness one day, to see an ex colleague of the lovely G, driving past Culloden battlefield, which I always feel a sentimental pull towards, and returned laden with bounty from her new shop. Evenings were spent with good food, easy conversation and a few local ales - well, you have to support the local economy don't you? We took a drive one day up to the infamous Tomintoul, which is the place where UK road reports most often advise as cut off by snow and found that one of the main roads in had only been opened four days before we got there after several weeks closed. The lady in the local shop described how the snow plough couldn't clear one of the roads in to the village and they had to bring down a snow clearing machine from one of the ski slopes as some of the drifts were 14ft deep.
A corbie {crow} lands on a neighbours lum {chimney}
We got back a day earlier than originally planned as the cattery had called us to say that Jess had stopped eating after a couple of days and they couldn't get her to eat anything they offered. After a further couple of days of this she was taken to the vet and given a check up, some appetite stimulant and some vitamin E jabs to help. We found though that when we got her home she began to eat and now, after 3 days at home, is back to normal. We think it was a reaction to being on her own for the first time - bailey had always been with her before, and since Bailey died she has never been without me around the house for company. I hope it's not going to be a problem for the future though.

Light on the stream
The return also brought about my birthday - thanks for all the greetings on that folks - and as usual I got spoiled rotten. Unfortunately a family dinner on Sunday had to be postponed when the lovely G's brother took ill, but hopefully he is on the mend now. Feels like it was one of those nasty bugs that do the rounds every so often.

Fast Castle Head from the beach path.
One of my birthday presents was a replacement battery charger for my canon EOS camera. The original has gone missing and I can't find it anywhere. Still, now I have a camera again I hope to get out and about and take some shots of some of my favourite places around and about this lovely part of the country, especially now I have got myself a decent zoom lens to play with. I have been lacking any relevant photos to put in the blog sometimes. I think its great to show the places and time your talking about when you can and I've really missed having my camera.
{that'll explain the overkill of photos on this post!}

Bush on the way to the rocky beach
The start of the week is going to be taken up with my monthly duel with job center to make sure we get the insurance claims authorised - all the paperwork needs to be in tomorrow or Wednesday, and also with getting some info back to children's panel for my reappointment, as you have to go through background checks every 3 years when you are involved with children and vulnerable young people. I also have a couple of job applications to prepare for. I'm having another crack at the parole board as they are going to be looking for more members due to legislation changes too. So all in all a busy few days ahead. Hopefully there will still be time for the odd blog or two as well.
see you later.
listening to Bruce Springsteen 'Downbound Train'
Sounds like a great trip and it's a great post - but that corbie looks like a jackdaw to me!
And it seems as if you and Coastkid could have passed one another on the Berwickshire coast recently going by his last couple of posts (before the motorbike one, that is)
A happy [belated] birthday greeting. I think I don't want to admit the great age I shall reach later this week. Somehow the accumulation of wisdom hasn't kept up with the years.
Lovely photos. I will have much in your blog to catch up with when I can have internet in my own home again.
lovely pics Al...abby st bathans...another lovely wee place!
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