Hullo there ma wee blog,
Well, thats me off now for my 2nd stage appeal against an unfair redundancy selection. Lets see what happens now.....
Place your bets, place your bets.....
Some chance!
See you later.
Mince and Tatties I dinna like hail tatties Pit on my plate o mince For when I tak my denner I eat them baith at yince. Sae mash ...
Guess who Al ,, it's Anonymous Scudder !! You need to fix this profile thing of yours !Sorry to dampen your spirits Al .,.,but I've been there, done that & have the tee shirt .,.,
It helps get it all off your chest of course, but change their mind ?? Forget it !
But enjoy your day & give them a roasting .,.,
I had fun at mine and I also wrote a spledid long letter to the Owner & CEO of my old company .,., The outcome from that wasn't all bad .,., they sent me a further cheque !but not a 1/10th of what I was worth :0)
Cheers Scudder,
Like you I'm not so niaive as to expect them to go against a company decision. But, I have to go through this en route a tribunal or it could affecrt my case. In many ways its just a game isn't it.
ref the commenmts I have checked what I know and its seems set up ok to accept comments from anyone. I get comments listed from other users so I dont see what the problem is. Any suggestions mate?
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