Hullo there ma wee blog,
Well, its a bit of a shock really. My morning companion of many, 16 to be accurate, years is giving up his morning slot on Radio 2. That's right. After 16 years at the helm of the countries most popular radio show, Terry Wogan, is leaving his morning slot and will be replaced at the end of the year by Chris Evans on the morning show which has a daily audience of 8 million.
Tel, whit am ah gonny day man. Nae mair poems, japes and Janet and John stories.
Chris is aw very weel 'n' guid at whit he daes like, bit ahm gettin' a wee bit auld for aw this chinge n that.
At least yer no leavin tae thi en' o thi year.............
I started listening years ago, and as a dedicated listener of, at that time, young years I was chuffed to be considered a T.Y.G. {Terry's young git} Over years I matured into a curmudgeonly T.O.G. { Terry's Old Git}.
Oh well nothing stays the same for ever I suppose.
Good as you are, and as much as I enjoy your drive time slot Mr Evans, you've got a big job on your hands to fill the gap left by the not inconsiderable girth of Mr.W.
3 months and counting........

Listening to...... Radio 2 breakfast show.
Ha-ha yer no a Wogan fan as well .,.,
Me too ,,, I've been getting ridiculed by the family for it for years .,.,
We'll miss the old fool but I think given a chance young Evans might just become a good new morning fix ? Time will tell .,.,
Hullo The Scudster,
Like you I have on occasion been pilloried for lack of style for not listening to some of them 'bangin choons' on other stations. I just smile benignly and ignore the lot of them. Anyway dont they say somewhere about not mocking the afflicted......
Thanks for dropping in. Maybe see you here again sometimes....
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