Hullo ma wee blog,
As a treat from the slog of prep for the job interview I have awarded myself a day off from job hunting and have spent a calm hour or two surfing the world of blog away from those interesting and knowledgeable souls I follow -sook, sook...{see previous post ' glossary' for translation if needed}
I found myself becoming increasingly annoyed. { not like me, eh! } I seemed to come across blogs by a number of ex-pats living abroad and a common theme was of panning those parts of British society or politics that should be changed, improved or abolished in their opinion. A regret for things past, erosion of values or whatever. And so, they appear to have moved abroad to establish or to join a better 'little britain' in their part of Spain or France or New Zealand or where ever.
I call it the 'Culture Del Costa'
At some time in the future the lovely G and I plan to live, at least part of the time, in France. But its not about escaping from the ills of Britain and British society, or even the weather. Its a feeling of empathy with French culture and values. To allow us to experience, share and enjoy that. I could never fully leave Scotland. Its home and I am part of it. I could never lose it and I could never give it up. Its far too precious to me for Gods sake.
But I also dont want to clone Britain abroad into sunnier weather. God Forbid!
I always said that if we ever went to Spain I would never go to the Costa del Sol. Even from the safe distance of home it was in my mind the little britain enclave, home of ex-pats seeking a cheaper perpetually sunny britain by the sea.
Unfortunately, for reasons I dont remember, when we did go to Spain, that's exactly where we found ourselves.
It was dreadful. Full of British accents, screeching, demanding, complaining, British Sky TV advertised from the bars, English Beer, all day full English breakfasts, M+S, fish and chips, steak and kidney pie, sunday roasts. In the place where we were never a bit of Spanish except an overheard conversation between locals or hotel workers, seemingly quietly spoken in case their transgressions should offend the ears of the master race.
We quickly left that behind and spent our days travelling by hire car to small towns and villages where we could experience some of the local life. Our experience and our holiday was all the better for it. After that anytime we have been to Spain, or indeed Portugal we have rented a house. IN Spain. Properly.
We had a sometimes lovely and sometimes uncomfortable holiday with relatives a few years back who joined us at one of our rented villas in a beautiful valley but felt isolated and wanted to be nearer the Brits. We got on really well except for that and I remember how joyfully was described a 'proper British meal in a proper British Pub run by proper British people'. I think I got a dig in the ribs from my lovely G when under my breath I asked,
"Was it luverlee?"
I found the same attitudes today on my blog hunt.
If you really want to change things, then come back and do it from here. If all you really want to do is winge, then we are so much better off without you and I'm deeply sorry and apologetic to the people who's country you have chosen to pollute with your small mindedness, lack of insight and appreciation of their culture, history and lives.
Your an absolute bloody embarrasment.
Please shut your faces and keep them shut.
Oh and chopping off your typing fingers would be much appreciated too.
See ya!
Wouldn't wanna BE ya!
see you later............
And to calm me down....
Listening to Yann Tierson....'Comptine une Autre Ete'.
I really enjoyed the images which go with this too. I wish my photgraphy was as personal and inspirational.
Jesus ,,, now my comments are being removed by "a blog administrator" That's some defence you've set up Al .,., you don't fancy taking on the job of Scotland Manager ??
The blog administrator is me old man.....
I posted the comment without seeing it had your email address on, and although you may not have minded I thought the best thing was to take it aff.....
pe ye dinnae mind....
ref the fitba. Ah um still luckin fur a joab like...........
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