Hullo ma wee blog,
Be warned - my mum would have thoroughly disapproved of discussing this kind of thing.......
Late Thursday night brought the onset of sudden and frequent stomach pains which kept me awake in bed with a hot water bottle clutched to my front and several visits to the loo to try unsuccessfully to throw up. The new day saw phase two ushered in by complete exhaustion and a distinct aversion to food or drink of any kind, {to understand how unlike me this is the closest analogy I could offer is for you to think of Winnie the Pooh turning his back on hunny!} so I spent the day in bed, which is totally unlike me, apart from a couple of muscle stretching journeys to loo and the front door to move the mail, which I couldn't even be bothered to open.
I slept from the lovely G's lone departure at 7.00am until 12.30 and after a pointless attempt at a cup of tea, on until about 5.00 when I decided I would watch a January sale bought DVD of one of the Harry Potter movies. I had seen one of them, the first I think, at the cinema and enjoyed it but not seen any more, so at three for £10 I bought the back catalogue. Starting with the first, I lay in bed with Jess determined to have either her head or her tail between me and the screen until ten minutes in I was fast asleep. I woke to find that the movie had played and returned to the main menu so I decided that HP wasn't going to work his magic for me today. A short hunt of the DVD's took me to 'Amelie' which is, to me anyway, such a feast to the eyes, ears and brain cell, that I popped it in and again settled down to peer around a rejuvenated Jess and her various body parts. In ten minutes I was comatose again and stayed that way until at 8.30 I was wakened by a call from the lovely G who was on a pre planned night out with the girls from work.
The next thing I remember is waking up aching in the dark with the lovely G warm beside me. I headed for the loo and then, feeling a bit more lively, for the kitchen with thought of a cup of tea and just a simple bit of toast high on my agenda. The clock pointed out it was 3.50am as I sat down and turned on the laptop to check mail and anyone posting from the blogs I follow. I was relieved to be feeling more than just a wee bit better until my body showed this was just a feint done in the worst possible taste by asking, quite insistently, that I attend the smallest room in the house.
And so, phase three is with me and with some temporary time off for good behaviour, I have spent the morning so far ensconced on a chariot of china white.
what joy........
see you later {probably much later}
Oh, yuk. Isn't that the most dreaded and most inconvenient sort of illnness! Definitely humbling.
At least you were not TOO graphic with the details---nice restraint and euphamisms there.
Be well!
Not good. Hopefully not Norovirus either, as I had that one Christmas and thought I was going to die!
To cheer you up, would you like to work your musical magic and join in a "my favourite song" meme? I thought you would be the perfect person as you have such a broad taste in music. Mind you, it might also take a wee while for you to make your mind up. . .
from Jennie - who is currently listening to Otis Redding's Try a Little Tenderness.
I had the same thing a couple of weeks ago, must be something going round
Have just 'run across' your blog (heaven knows which turn I took to get here, I honestly couldn't say) and have really enjoyed my quick look through the posts.
Especially liked Heavy Purrs and the Twitter posts ;-) Have to say that yes, I am a 'Tweeter' but am becoming most disillusioned . . .
Hope your on the mend now.
Hullo All,
Thanks for your comments and get well messages. Much appreciated. Feeling a bit better today but not straying far from cosy corners about the house. Enjoying some time wih the lovely G and an afternoon DVD for a bit later.
Thanks for dropping in and leaving a comment Kadeeae {unusual name!}. I hope you can come again.
Hope by now you are much better! I have been working this weekend and have not looked at the computer. Try again on the Hairy Potter, they are fun.
Hullo Kat,
Getting back to something like normal - still feel a bit 'disconnected' somehow. Probably that's me completely back to normal actually!
I will give Harvey Pothead another go, don't worry.....
"The chariot of china white", I loved that. Was there ever a similar euphemism when avocado bathroom suites were the rage (1972-1982)? IBS must be a terrible condition; like yourself, I can eat almost anything and always have an appetite, so any change from a bug or whatever comes as a surprise. Glad you're on the mend.
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