hullo ma wee blog,
Its was a busy day the other day for the local postie as he had to lug two books and a nice parcel of photographs to the door. It made a nice change from bills anyway, looking from this side of the doorstep.
In search of more, and particularly relevant info on 153 Squadron, I had found and ordered a couple of books off the internet; 'Wingspan' by 153 Squadron leader JW Gee and 'Nothing heard since takeoff - The story of a 153 Squadron Lancaster crew' by Ronald Hayne. the story of a plane and crew lost over occupied Slovakia. The last a particularly poignant story for me as one of the men lost was from Dalmellington, a small Ayrshire village near where I was brought up and where I spent 20 years playing in the village band. But made more poignant as he was a member of 137 {Ayr} Sqn Air Training Corps, which he and Dad served in at the same time and so would have known each other well. {I also joined 137 Sqn ATC many years later and was involved for some 3 years during my 'maybe I want to join up like my mate' phase}
Also delivered was a bundle of old Robertson family photo's that I had given my Aunt Helen - me seeming to be the repository of much of the family archive, I had taken them down for her to look at a while back as when I had mentioned I had them she said that she never remembered seeing them anywhere within the family since she was a wee girl and had long considered them lost. I left them with her and she had arranged for copies to be made before sending the originals, and some very nice copies, back to me with a lovely card. Hopefully I will be able to upload some of them if I can ever get my laptop and our antiquated old scanner to talk to each other
That night too brought a further surprise as the lovely G came home from work with a copy of 'Lancaster, the 2nd World War's Greatest Bomber' by Leo McKinstry, a lovely and very detailed history of the plane from its inception to its end of service with the RAF in 1956.
So, plenty to read in keeping up with info for the blog.
Ach, what are you groaning about...........
see you later.
Listening to Lily Allen 'who'd have known'
1 comment:
Sounds like you had a good day. I'm looking forward to seeing the photos and reading the posts.
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